Just a sample of the squares I've made so far. I've got some more that I've not taken photos of that I've made since being back at university.
I've been back at uni, as I said, and it's the final push before I'm fully graduated and can finally focus fully on my dream of owning a tea room! I keep finding teapots and buying them, ready to decorate my tea room with! I just recently got a new one through and it's gorgeous! I won it off of eBay :) £8 bargain, including P+P!
Here it is added to my teapot shelf! I have 5 teapots now, which may not seem like many but hey, the collection's been going on for less than a year!! I also decided to treat myself to a T-Shirt from the Tea Appreciation Society (http://www.lovetea.co.uk/) I love it! I got a men's T Shirt and it's so comfy and baggy! I never want to take it off :D
Speaking of tea (and let's be honest, when do I not??) I've filmed another tea review for you to see! It's not the longest tea review and I recorded it just before I went to bed.
I also contacted teapigs as they asked for UK-based blogs to email them to ask about Matcha May. So, I will be getting a sample of Matcha tea (details to come in the related post) to review etc. How exciting is that??
Right, I'm off to colour my hair :D
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